Here are some of the foster family
Most have gone on to their new families in France or the UK
I will be editing to add who they are etc asap
Ega a lovely gentle mare fostered until the new owners were ready, now living near to the beach and soul mate to her new mom
Quamina - a pretty and sporty Trotter now in the UK learning new things (rescued by member Cropperstud )
Two handicapped ponies who stayed for a short time while their transport was sorted out to their new family in France
Havana - Arab x Boulonnais , waiting for a new family
Lenny in the UK waiting for his forever family
Sporty Steve TF placed in the UK after being backed with Gregory
Sarcelle - rescued by member Cropperstud
Sissy , Sarcelle & Steve
Sissy happily rehomed to Jann and family
Safran , placed under contract Galop pour la vie
Minstrel ( ex Radiguet ) French Trotter
Minstrel learning new things
Merlin , looking for his family ( under ponies for sale )
Golden Oldies
Bichette is a cute ponette , blind in one eye and 21 yrs old and very lively
Rosa who came with ringworm
happily with treatment she kept it to herself
Ninja placed through lescrinsdeliberté
Saphir placed through the association lescrinsdeliberté
Saphir enjoying escaping dealers yard
Pruna Mule , I only fostered her for a few days and I totally fell for her , she was very nervous about being touched and arrived with fresh marks on her face which I think may have happened during loading or transport plus old headcollar marks . She had already been reserved but it really hurt letting her go
Lady 26 yrs old and handed over to a low end dealer
happily found a family where she adores the children